Insurance 101: Types, Benefits, and How it Works

family playing on beach
Insurance is a contract between an insurer and policyholder, providing financial protection against loss or damage. It is vital to financial planning and can help individuals and businesses cope with unforeseen events. Let's explore the different types of insurance policies, their benefits, and how insurance works.

5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By

people holding keys

I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property…

Will my credit rating change my insurance rates?

family playing with daughter

I was recently asked this question by one of our DiStefano Insurance Services clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one of…